Bushcraft Gear Checklist
A list of essential items to make sure you pack for your next fishing trip.
1 Liter water bottle

1 Liter water bottle
This depends on the hunt and the choice is up to you, We recommend to carry at least a 1 litre of water in your pack.
Bear Spray

Bear Spray
When hunting, bear encounters are rare but can occur, be smart and carry bear spray.
Extra Layer of Clothing

Extra Layer of Clothing
You never know when the weather may change, it’s a good idea to stay prepared and have extra warm layers ready.
Fishing Licence

Fishing Licence
It is the law to carry your licence at all times while fishing.
Fishing Line

Fishing Line
Another Obvious one, usually you have it on your reel but its always good to carry some extra line.

Having a powerful source of light will really help out in many situations, especially in an emergency.

Sometimes removing a hook from a fish can be troublesome, these forceps add leverage to help you out.

Nobody wants to be caught in the dark in the woods. Whether off the trail, tracking an animal or dressing a fish, it’s no fun in the dark.

Carrying a robust all-purpose knife can help in tasks such as making a fire or an emergency shelter.

It’s always good to have a reliable source of fire at hand.
Medical Kit

Medical Kit
Sometimes there is a need for medical supplies, it could be as simple as a band-aid but having a well-put-together medical kit is always a good call.
Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone
In this modern era of hunting a mobile phone device can be an incredible tool, using apps such as Ihunter to track your hunt and set locations can be a valuable asset when getting to grips with the area you plan to hunt.
Multi tool

Multi tool
A multi tool can be useful for a number of small tasks, plus it doest take up much space in a vehicle or a pack.
Snacks – Lunch

Snacks – Lunch
No one wants to get hungry while out in the woods, having a good supply of snacks you enjoy can really help you stay out longer.
Spare Wool Socks

Spare Wool Socks
One of the worst things that can happen during in the elements is getting cold feet, sometimes a quick fix can simply be to swap out your socks.
Split Shot

Split Shot
Used to get your bait or fly to drop quicker through the water and sit close to or on the bottom.

Stops fishing line from twisting while pulling spinner, lures and bait through the water.

Finer line used at the the end of your fishing set up to attach hooks and swivels, harder to be detected in the water by fish.
Toilet Roll

Toilet Roll
When nature calls, you’re going to want it.
WIN (Wildlife Identification Number) Card

WIN (Wildlife Identification Number) Card
Another resource to show that you are completing all the legal steps when participating in a hunt. Fish and wildlife officers can use this to verify your tags.